How to Choose the Most Satisfying Stay Rods When Purchasing Electrical Power Fittings?

How to Choose the Most Satisfying Stay Rods When Purchasing Electrical Power Fittings?

The stay rod is likewise named stay set or stay assembly, it is a part used to connect the stay wire to the ground anchor. There are two sets: bow stay rod and tubular stay rod. The bow type stay rod incorporates stay bow, stay rod, stay plate, stay thimble. The tubular stay set is movable through an eye bested of the turnbuckle.

The contrast between the bow type and cylindrical sort is the design. Without the stay bow, the Tubular sort stay rod incorporates turnbuckle and eye rod. The Tubular stay rod is mostly utilized in Africa and Middle East including Saudi Arabia. The bow type stay rod is broadly utilized in Southeast Asia.

As an expert producer, provider, and exporter, TTF Power Systems boasts over 20 years experience in making the stay set, stay rods as well as grounding anchors.

Our stay rod is commonly known for its high toughness, durability, strong structure, and uniform size and advanced galvanizing technology. It owns long life span.

Table of Contents

What are Stay Rods?

What are Stay Rods?

The stay rod is likewise named stay set, it is utilized to interface the stay wire to the ground anchor. A stay rod is a significant part of the pole line and power line technology.

Stay sets are produced to play out a great amount of electrical practices in various circumstances and weather conditions .

It is a set with a blend of components containing:

  • Stay plates
  • Stay rods
  • Eye bolts
  • Turn buckles
  • Nuts and thimbles

The stay set is generally made of steel as the primary material taken through various of procedures to give it a fine finish and coating.

Principal Usages of Stay Rods

Principal Usages of Stay Rods

Stay rods offer mechanical help to joined parts.

They support them from imploding under outrageous tension.


In the electric field, it is utilized to stay tower designs and power shafts.
In shaft line innovation, various types of stay rods are utilized in post lines, circulation lines, and telecom lines.

Types of Stay Rods

Stay rods are partitioned into two principal types including the bow type stay rods and the tubular kind stay rods.

Bow type stays rods include:

  • Stay bows
  • Stay thimbles
  • Stay plates
  • Stay rods

Likewise, the tubular sorts have two fundamental sorts including the:

  • Eye stay rod
  • turn buckle stay rods

Bow Types

A portion of the vitally normal kinds of stay rods in this classification include:

Stay Bow

It is a sort of stay rod made of steel and the external surface is treated by hot dip galvanization.

Aside from that, it is solid and strong generally given a life expectancy of 20 years.

Accessible in various structures as per the details of the client.

Fundamental purposes incorporate fixing ground wires and channels through interface fitting or covers.

Aside from that, they are utilized to tower substation structures.

This is finished as per the ideal mounting way and cinch development.

Stay Rod

Stay Rod

It utilized in a lot of uses including power transmission, power embellishments and power dissemination in power stations.

The primary material utilized in their production incorporates steel, flexible cast iron, carbon steel among others.

A stay rod needs to go through the accompanying cycles prior to being Zinc-plated or Hot dip electrifies finish.

The cycles include: “accuracy – projecting – rolling – manufacturing – turning – processing – boring and galvanizing”.

Stay Thimble

It is a kind of stay rope that is utilized in a lot of uses and come in various structures.

Among them is the wire rope thimble made of carbon steel, amalgam steel to work on its solidarity and strength.

It is utilized for fixing wire ropes, marine equipment fitting and chain fittings among different applications.

Surface treatment applications incorporate electro galvanization, hot dip galvanization while others are painted in various tones for the most part silver white.

They are additionally made in various sizes relying upon the particulars of the client and the expected use.

Stay Plate

It is otherwise called earth plate, is a significant part of post line innovation with many purposes.

It is manufactured utilizing gentle steel among different materials and hot dip electrifies to offer a fine completion.

It is made in various sizes as per its planned use and client particulars.

Tubular Types

Under this classification, we have the accompanying kinds of stay rod embellishments:

Turn Buckle

The turn buckle is accessible three assortments which include:

Turn buckle eye/eye type

They are made of steel and strung. It is likewise electro excited to offer a smooth completion. It has two closures with openings known as the eyes.

Turn buckle snare/snare type

They are made of steel and strung on the two sides. It is likewise gone through electro galvanization to cause it to have a fine completion.

The two finishes have snares that are utilized to connect to an alternate embellishment.

Turn buckle snare/eye type:

They are made of steel and strung on the two finishes. The two closures are different with one side having a snare and an eye on the opposite end.

It has additionally been electro electrifies to offer the ideal completion.

Eye Rod

Eye rods are made of steel and can either be hot dip stirred or electro aroused to forestall consumption.

It has an opening at one of its finishes regularly alluded to as the eye in this manner the name they eye rod.

It is a significant part at the joints making it adaptable and simple to move.

Specialized Specification of Stay Rods

Contingent upon the large number of determinations and requests from clients, stay rods come in various assortments.

They are significant parts in development and the requirement for care and upkeep is irrelevant.

It is an effective part because of its solidness and capacity to endure tear and wear.

Material of stay rods

The material utilized in making stay rods is typically steel on many events yet there are different materials as well.

Different materials incorporate amalgam steel, cast iron and carbon steel among different products that offer extraordinary strength and are tough.

The material is supposed to be sufficiently able to endure different weather patterns relying upon the area it is utilized.

Consumption is a significant issue with regards to material like steel and iron.

To tackle this issue, hot dip galvanization or electro galvanization is finished to the said material.

The strength of the stay rod relies upon the material utilized so it must be dealt with appropriately.


The sort of work performed by the stay rods includes the use of a ton of tension on the rod or the stay set.

The material utilized must be sufficiently able to endure the high strain from weight to high temperatures.

Quality consistence – ISO 1461

ISO 1461 is the standard utilized in rating the nature of metal for specific use.

It was ready by a specialized board of trustees ISO/TC 107, Metallic and other Inorganic coatings.

Under the sub-panel SC 4 Hot dip coatings (aroused).

Right now the third release is set up dropping the second version which was actually modified.

The update of ISO 1461:1999 reflects experience acquired and incorporates a worked on show of methodology.


The aspects utilized in estimating the weight, measurement, length shift as per the details given by the client.

By and large, weight is estimated in kilograms while length and breadth are estimated in millimeters.

The sort of work that the stay rod will be utilized for is a determinant of the sort of aspects it will have.

The method involved with Making a Stay Rod

Contingent upon the sort of material utilized in making the stay rod, a large portion of them generally go through similar cycles.

It is a pricey strategy and generally left for businesses to produce.

The cycle is likewise extremely hazardous to be finished at home and defensive stuff should be on consistently.

  • To begin with, getting the significant unrefined substance used to make the stay rods for instance steel, iron or aluminum.
  • The material is then liquefied in a heater of extremely high temperatures for the most part over 1200 degrees Celsius. Heater temperatures change as indicated by the material being utilized.
  • The liquid material is then diverted into various parts which will give the predetermined shape and size. The vast majority of the particulars are from the client and the expected reason.
  • Aside from that, the detail in making rods are generally PC produced.
  • After the ideal construction has been accomplished, it very well may be taken through different cycles to give it the favored plan. It tends to be bowed, pounded, put under specific kinds of pressure until it produces the right structure.
  • A total plan is given the last touch by either hot dip galvanization or electro galvanization. It will give the material a smooth get done with the ideal tone.

How to Install Stay Rods?

Stay rods are introduced diversely in agreement to the reason it was expected to perform.

Since there are a lot of stay rods of various plans, the client is encouraged to get an establishment manual.

Aside from that, installation ought to be passed on to experts to proceed as they are more capable.

  • The tubular and bow sorts of stay rods go through a similar methodology of installation.
  • A tiny piece of the stay rod is normally forgotten about while its remainder is covered into the ground.
  • Stay rods are supposed to be at a point of 45 degrees to the skyline.
  • Toward one side there is a square rod and different has between 100 – 300 mm length of string.
  • Stay bow goes across the screw as the fastener nut fits the stay bow.
  • The square space on the stay plate to build the strength. Covering it in the ground will stop the top of the stay rod from crawling.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a stay rod?

Stay rod is additionally called stay set. A joined part used to interface the stay wire to the ground anchor.

What are the kinds of stay rods?

As indicated by the construction, stay rods are partitioned into two principal types: the bow type and the tubular sort.

Bow kinds of stays rods include:

  • Stay bows
  • Stay thimbles
  • Stay plates
  • Stay rods.

tubular kinds of stays rods include:

  • Eye stay rod
  • turn buckle stay rods
What does a stay rod set incorporate?

One set stay rod incorporates: stay bow, stay rod, stay plate, stay thimble.

What is the fundamental utilization of stay rods?

Stay rods support joined parts from falling under outrageous tension.

In the electric field, it is utilized to stay tower designs and power shafts.

In power line structure, various types of stay rods are utilized in post lines, dispersion lines, and telecom lines.

How does the stay rod set get together?

The stay rod will be 45 degrees around with the skyline. There is a square head on the stay rod, and at the other top of the stay rod, there is 100-300mm string length. The stay bow will go across the screw, and the wrench nut will fix the stay bow.

What is a stay rod set utilized along with?

The stay rod set is utilized along with the stay wire.

What needs consideration while Installing a stay rod?

Stay rods are introduced distinctively in understanding to the reason it was planned to perform.

Since there are a lot of stay rods of various plans, the client is encouraged to get an installation manual.

Aside from that, installation ought to be passed on to experts to proceed as they are more professional.


Stay rods are significant parts of the various designs that we use in our everyday exercises.They are anyway extremely imperative as an electrical engineering tools. In installation process, an expert specialist is to be reached to help. These products are accessible in our website for the buyer to browse.

The client additionally has the rights of customizing and tailoring what sort of product they might want to have.

TTF Power Systems is one of the advanced and established power line hardware, pole line hardware supplier that we invite client plans and will produce customized and high-quality overhead line fittings to all our customers.

If you have any requirements, go ahead and connect with us ! We are sure we will tackle with all your problems one by one.