conductor hardware

Compression Splices Power Chile’s BESS Expansion

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) play a crucial role in Chile’s energy landscape, leveraging its vast resources. The Atacama Desert has plenty of solar resources and extensive wind potential. This has positioned Chile as a leader in renewable energy adoption in South America. Most renewable energy sources are intermittent; this necessitates robust energy storage solutions […]

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Armor Rods & Tech Boost Chile’s Green Power Expansion

Chile is a global leader in renewable energy with abundant solar resources from regions like the Atacama Desert. The development of solar PV and solar and storage hybrid projects in Chile plays the central role in its energy transition. Chile also has favorable policies and investment in storage solutions that propel renewable energy to a

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Cross Plate Anchors: Powering PVH Solar Innovation in Chile

A Spanish solar racking solutions manufacturer, PV Hardware (PVH), will supply its trackers for a 109.76 MW solar project in Chile. The company has been selected to supply its AxoneDuo Infinity trackers for the Alcones project in Chile. The solar project also includes the development of a 33/110 kV substation and a 9 km transmission

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Preformed Wires: Power Transmission Line’s Backbone

The development of power transmission lines in South America is crucial to power generation, transmission, and distribution. Given the diverse landscapes in the region, spanning from the Amazon rainforest to the Andes Mountains, electricity transmission is crucial. High-voltage transmission lines help distribute power across these regions with ease. Power transmission lines help in delivering electricity

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Formed Wires: Powering South America’s Electric Future

As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to transform South America’s energy sector, there is continued development of new technologies. Traditionally, electric vehicles have used renewable energy to power the cars. This helps to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. Electric vehicles thus contribute to sustainability, decarbonization, and energy independence. While

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Drought’s Dark Shadow: Brazil’s Energy Supply

In August, Brazil witnessed some wildfires surging from increased droughts in the country. Being South America’s largest economy, Brazil depends on hydropower for its energy supply. So, the increased droughts in the country affect hydropower plants by reducing the water levels. Additionally, the dams in the country are at an average of 57% of total

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Spool Tie Showdown: Choose, Install, Test & Conquer

A spool tie is a specific type of accessory used to secure and support conductors on insulators. It serves in overhead transmission lines to ensure the stability and reliability. It is from a formed wire that provides a mechanical and electrical connection. The spool tie consists of several components such as the wire, insulator and

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